Whiston Junior and Infant School

Whiston Junior and Infant School

Part of White Woods Primary Academy Trust

Saville Road, Whiston, Rotherham, S60 4DX


01709 828189

School and TrUST Policies

If you require a free printed copy of any of our school policies, please contact our admin team at: enquiries@wji.wwpat.org

Admissions and Attendance Policies

All information regarding admission arrangements can be viewed on the link:



Link to Child Missing from Education: https://rotherhamscb.proceduresonline.com/pdfs/children_missing_education.pdf 

 Admissions Appeals timetable.pdfDownload
 WWPAT Attendance Policy 23-25 (5 Foundations).pdfDownload
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Behaviour Policies and complaints policy

 Please click on the link to read our:  Anti Bullying Strategy

 2023 Anti Bullying Policy.docx.pdfDownload
 2022 Complaints Policy.pdfDownload
 2022 Positive Behaviour Management Policy - Overarching Policy.docx.pdfDownload
 Suspension and Exclusions Policy V2.docx.pdfDownload
 SEND Policy (1).docx.pdfDownload
 2023 Building Relationships (Behaviour) Policy .docx (1).pdfDownload
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Curriculum Information and Progression Documents

All our curriculum policies, including Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) can be viewed below on our Curriculum and Assessment tab under the relevant subject. Click here for the link: https://whistonjuninf.sites.schooljotter2.com/curriculum-intent-statement

 2022 EYFS Policy.docx.pdfDownload
 2023 RSE policy.docx (Website).docx.pdfDownload
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other Statutory Policies including: Equality Policies; school uniform, Health and saftety Policies and supporting Medical conditions

 2021 Emergency Planning Policy.docx (1).pdfDownload
 wwpat_equal_opportunities_policy 22-24.docx.pdfDownload
 2022 School Uniform Policy.docx (1).pdfDownload
 Supporting Children with Medical Needs in School (2).docx.pdfDownload
 EFM_001 - Trust H&S Policy (V4).docx.pdfDownload
 Children with HEALTH NEEDS who cannot attend school.docx.pdfDownload
 _Trust Accessibility Policy and Plan Whiston Junior and Infant School September 2023.docx.pdfDownload
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Safeguarding Policies

 Safeguarding Policy 2023-24 .docx (2).pdfDownload
 2022 Education of children in public care.docx.pdfDownload
 2022 Major Incidents and Crisis Policy.docx.pdfDownload
 Whistleblowing Policy Sept 2021 (1).pdfDownload
 Safer Recruitment and Selection Policy (3).docx.pdfDownload
 Staff Code of Conduct Policy Draft.docx.pdfDownload
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TRUST Polices including Finance, GDPR, HR, and IT

For information on Annual Accounts and other financial information on White Woods Academy Trust, please click on the link below.

Trust Accounts Page

Policies - White Woods Academy Trust



 Charging and Remissions Policy Sept 2021.pdfDownload
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